
I’ll just get the generic advice out of the way right up front here: You’re much more likely to get what you want if you know what you really want. I could expand that for another 200 pages and call it a book. Plenty of people have done exactly that.

But turning that advice into real, specific goals is too personal for any book to cover it. That’s where a little one-on-one discussion can really help.

You’re too close to it

Remember that girl in college who always had the best dating advice for her friends, but her boyfriend was a jerk? Or the golf pro who could fix your swing in 2 sessions, but had a vicious slice?

People are great at seeing other people’s situations with detachment. It’s really hard to look at yourself that way. Even the best entrepreneur needs someone to bounce ideas off of. Someone who will tell them the unvarnished truth even if it might hurt your feelings.

Specific ways I’ll help

Blog Focus Tuneup

Your blog has grown from humble beginnings. When you started out, you could never have guessed where it was going to take you. Now there’s so much going on, and so many links sprayed across your homepage, that you’re not sure if people can tell what you’re really all about.

With a one-hour phone consultation, we’ll figure out what you’re trying to achieve today, and make sure that’s what people are getting from your blog.

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Search Engine Optimization

You’ve got a gorgeous, custom-designed site. Everyone who sees it loves it. But your tracking shows it’s not drawing new visitors. So you do some searches on Google and your site never comes up. Why not?

There are a hundred little things you can do to improve search engine placement [SEP] dramatically. If you knew what they were, you would have already done them. In a one hour phone consultation, let me show you how.

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Statistics / Analytics

You don’t even know how many people are seeing your site. You ask new customers how they found you, but how many people saw your site and never called? Is your online presence doing you any good at all?

I’ll set up analytics to track:

  • How many people are viewing your site
  • What pages
  • Where they came from, and
  • What they did once they got there.

Then, after a couple of weeks to gather some statistics, we’ll spend an hour on the phone to review what the numbers are telling you.

(This product assumes you’re already using WordPress, Blogger, or some other templated system for every page on your site.)

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The “Oh, that’s what it all means” Total Package

First, we get together for an hour for the Blog Focus Tuneup so we’re on the same page about what you’re trying to achieve.

Then I install the tracking so we can see what your current site is doing for you. After some time for the site to collect data we get together for another session to discuss the numbers, and how to fix your site so that it gets the results you’re looking for.

Finally, we have another session to confirm the changes are working, and see if there are any other opportunities to refine the site even more.

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