VB3 is just fine for running your business


“… all those cheapskate companies running said VB3 app for 15 years will have nowhere to go, because their shitty app won’t run on it and they won’t pay to have it redone with modern tools.”

You’ve got some typos in there. Let me fix those for ya:

“…all those fiscally responsible companies running said VB3 app for 15 years will have nowhere to go, because their well-written app that has performed its intended function without fail won’t run on it and they don’t need to pay to have it redone with modern tools.”

Analogy time:

I’ve got a 25-year-old fridge in my kitchen. Even if a new one saves me 50% of the electricity used it would take about 13 years to pay back the cost of buying the new one. And don’t talk to me about the environmental cost of that wasted power, since the impact of manufacturing the new one dwarfs the power used over its lifetime.

If you think you’re saving money, or helping the environment, by scrapping working appliances in favor of newer, more-efficient ones, you’ve fallen for someone’s marketing plan. Just like all the people who want to re-write functioning apps in the cool new language du jour.